As you can see on our FrontPage we are working on our links database. Today the whole database migrated to our Mysql machine so the load time of our site is getting optimised.
Yesterday we've opened ourPlaza Column. It is now possible for YOU to start your own dancing column on FOR FREE... More information about Plaza Column is coming. Do you want to start your own column today ? See our leftside for more information. But if have to warn you…. The HOWTO documents are not online YET.
Also, two members of our crew are working on FAQ documents, this will help you getting to know ALL the features that are available on and LEARN how to operate them :) Let work for you !
Did you noticed that our plaza news column is giving you the status of our partner search database, link database, plaza column and plaza NewsNet???. This will keep you up to date within the dance world !!
For now….. The Content Team is busy working on more new features… I will keep you up to date :)