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Written by : Werner J. Braun
Date : 01-15-2002
Title : Report VI. Kiev Open 2001
Article: VI. Kiev Open

IDSF World Championships Youth 10-Dances 2001
IDSF International Open Standard and Latin


It really was cold - not only in Kiev which was covered by a very deep cover of snow and with temperatures of minus 20 degrees centigrade - but as well in the huge sports hall of the Olympic Stadium, in which the artificial ice floor under the extra laid parquet floor was the reason for the very low temperatures. For the judges and lady judges this was nothing new - their fur coats while judging just warmed them. A strange picture but nobody cared.

Under DanceSport President Dr. Sviatoslav T. Wloch, Kiev developed into a place were high-ranking IDSF events took place. For instance in the years 1994, 1995, 1999 and 2000 the World Championships Youth Standard and in the years 1997 and 1999 the Worlds Youth 10-dances were organised. In addition in 1996 the Europe Cup Standard, 1997 the Central Europe Championships Standard, 1997, 1998, 1999 the IDSF World Cup Standard, 1999 the IDSF World Cup 10-Dances and 2001 the IDSF Europe Cup Latin. Those championships were rounded up by quite a few national and international DanceSport events.

This year the highlight of the now already 6th Kiev Open was the IDSF Youth World Championship10-Dances. The background of the many organised Youth Championships was without any doubt the unbelievable active Youth work of the Ukrainian DanceSport Association, which "produced" top class couples in any of the youth classes. Organises of this year's big event was the Association and the DanceSport Club "Dynamo" Kiev, the president of which as well is Association President Dr. Sviatoslav T. Wloch.

For the first time I must give a special big compliment to the organisers: They really succeeded in providing the panel of judges upon arrival at the hotel an exact time schedule of the whole event. Such the around 70 officials coming from 20 countries new in detail their duties. The complete organisation went off splendidly, including transfer from the airport to the hotel, from there to the place of the event and vice versa.

For the outstandingly well taking care of the judges and VIPs the organisers deserve a big appreciation. Not only the welcoming evening party at the hotel Dnipro, but as well the receptions at the same place after each competition day with splendid cold-warm delicatesses showed a hearty hospitality and gave the opportunity for small talks with many old friends.

As usual couples of the classes Youth, Juniors I and II and Juveniles I and II had the opportunity to compete in Standard and in Latin-American disciplines. The participation in these classes was enormous. Western organisers could only dream of such numbers.

The costs of this event must have swallowed astronomique amounts and one only can congratulate the organisers for having found sponsors who had taken over the debit. As general sponsor I would like to name the Dnipro Star hotel, the first address in town. But as well the Aero Svit Airlines, the cosmetic companies AVON and KRYOLAN, as well as Supadance Ukraine

The judges of the IDSF Worlds under Chairman Heinz Spaeker, IDSF Sports Director from Germany, were: Lindsey Hillier, England; Michelle Ribas, France, Asis Khadjeh-Nouri, Germany; Sandra Homans, Italy; Dr. Cheslovas Norvaisha, Lithuania; Andrey Shamshurov, Russia and Igor Gutowski, Ukraine.

Compere -as with all important competitions of the Ukrainian DanceSport Association - was the former Ukrainian Latin State Champion Olena Fedorchuk-Lemisko. She did a marvellous job in different languages. UDSA President Dr. Sviatoslav T. Wloch together with the Kiev Vice Mayor did the opening of the event.

The computer handling again was in the hands of the UDSA Association team with Viktor Kravtshuk and Igor Chorny, which stands for quality and punctuality. The competition office traditionally was in the hands of Vladimir and Tatjana Kozak.


IDSF World Championships Youth 10-Dances

1. Dmytro Wloch/Olga Urumova - Ukraine
2. Evgueniy Stepanov/Maria Gontcharuk - Russia
3. Matic Pavlinic/Lena Pavlinic - Slovenia
4. Domenico Cannizzaro/Francesca Lazzari - Italy
5. Rüdiger Homm/Julia Belch - Germany
6. Andrius Brikmanis/Ruta Zajanckauskaite - Lithuania


7. ValdisSkutans/Julija Pajula - Latvia
8. Marek Fiksa/Blanka Winiarska - Poland
9. Bjorn Bitsch/Stine Dalsgaard - Denmark
10. Martin Parmas/Kaisa Oja - Estonia
11. Ivan Zdercius/Olga Ziubari - Moldova
12. Isak Halldorsson/Helga Helgadottir - Iceland

As a total 56 couples from the following 28 countries were competing:
Armenia, Byelorussia, Denmark, Germany, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Kazakhstan, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Slovenia, Spain, Czech, Ukraine and USA. Despite their entries the couples of the following countries did not show up: Australia, Georgia, Slovakia, Hungary and Chinese Taipei.

Favourites for this Championship were the "old" rivals Dmytro Wloch/Olga Urumova, Ukraine, and the Russian couple Evgueniy Stepanov/Maria Gontscharuk, who already in the Juniors World Championship fought together for the title.

In the standard dances the Ukrainians were the better dancers, in the Latin-American dances it were the Russians. Now nuances counted and whether in one discipline another couple would merge in between. It really was eye-catching and enthusiasting to watch those two top couples. As closed marking was decided, the tension at the prize presentation was enormous. And the local matadors made it: Dmytro Wloch and Olga Urumova were announced as the new IDSF Youth World Champions on 10-Dances.

Here the final places of the two first couples:
Dmytro Wloch/Olga Urumova:
Standard: 1, 1.5, 1, 1,1; -- Latin: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2;
Evgueniy Stepanov/Maria Gontcharuk:
Standard: 4, 3, 4, 3, 3; -- Latin: 1, 1,1,1,1;

In Standard it were the Italians Domenico Cannizzaro/Francesca Lazzari, who with 2,1.5, 2, 2,2 were placed before the Russians and the Slovenians Matic and Lena Pavlinic, who won Walz and Vienese Walz before the Russians. This was enough for the Ukrainians for a clear 10-dance victory.

The German couple Ruediger Homm and Julia Belch showed a very good performance and deserved making the final. A little bit more luck and even a better result would have been possible.

IDSF International Open Standard

1. Waren Boyce/Kristi Boyce - England
2. Aleksei Galchun/Tetyana Dyomina - Russia
3. Dmytro Wloch/Olga Urumova - Ukraine
4. Nikolai Darin/Yulia Tutushyna - Russia
5. Mark Friedmann/Klaudia Koehler - Germany
6. Roman Mirkin/Natalya Bednyagyna - Ukraine
7. Roman Nikiforov/Maryna Yevtushenko - Ukraine


8. Sergiy Pelek/Ganna Ruda - Ukraine
9. Nikolai Cheryomuhin/Tetyana Chemodurova, - Russia
10. Evgen Kazmirchuk/Ksenia Poliakova - Russia
11. Vladyslav Vinagradov/Anastasiya Muravyova, - Russia
12. Domenico Cannizzaro/Francesca Lazzari, - Italy

61 couples were competing. They came from the following 16 countries:
Byelorussia, Denmark, Germany, England, Estonia, Italy, Canada, Kazakhstan, Croatia, Moldova, Austria, Romania, Russia, Spain, Ukraine and USA.

In this competition three couples "fought" for the victory: England, Russia and the top couple of the Ukraine. The English Waren and Kristi Boyce danced with wonderful movement and absolutely convincingly. They have the talent to join the old tradition of the English top couples. Their winning was clear and deserved despite the fact, the Russians, dancing as well in splendid form, did not make it easy for the English. The two couples defeated Dmytro and Olga from the Ukraine. But their third place as well deserves unlimited appreciation. The Germans Mark Friedmann and Klaudia Koehler deserved making the final. Here as well one better place would have been possible.

The panel of judges:
Hubert de Maesschalck, Belgium; Petr Odstrcil, Czech; Vano Kandelaki, Georgia; Asis Khadjeh-Nouri, Germany; Davide Cacciari, Italy; Antoni Czyzyk, Poland; Vadym Sovetchenko, Ukraine; Valeriy Gulay, Russia; Jaan Siilak, Estonia; Daniela Skofik, Slovenia; Svitlana Verbiytska, Switzerland.

IDSF International Open Latin

1. Ilia Svintsov/Lubov Bondereva - Russia
2. Evgeniy Imrekov/Katerina Trofimova - Russia
3. Nikolai Voronovich/Maria Nikolichina - Russia
4. Tomas Hosek/Simona Shveryko - Czech
5. Guy Rosen/Viktoria Fadina - Luxembourg
6. Evgeniy Nazarov/Irina Bezguozova - Ukraine

89 of 120 couples who had made their entries did compete. They came from the following 22 countries:
Armenia, Byelorussia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Kazakhstan, Croatia, Lebanon, Moldova, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Spain, Czech and the Ukraine.

It was the biggest international country show-up which ever participated in an international competition in the Ukraine. A remarkable success for the Ukrainian DanceSport Association UDSA under President Dr. Sviatoslav T. Wloch!

This comp clearly was dominated by the Russians. Astonishing what this country continuously creates on talents. The first three places went to the Russians nearly without any competition. Top couples such as Hosek/Shveryko and Rosen/Fadina had no chance for one of the first places - even that they showed great performances. With Nazarov/Bezguozova an Ukrainian couple made the final which in the last season was leading in every Ukrainian competition.

As a total it was an efficient field under strong participation of the Russian couples. As wesaw60couples competing I do want to name the semi-finalists as well:

7. Alexandr Berezin/Irina Petchenova - Russia
8.-9. Roman Mirkin/Natalya Bednyagina - Ukraine
8.-9. Egor Burdin/Natalia Gavrilova - Russia
10. Artem Epifanov/Anna Melnikova - Russia
11. Boris Rohne/Madeleine Eppler - Germany

The panel of judges:
Ihor Chorny, Ukraine; Ara Mkhoyan, Armenia; Hubert de Maesschalck, Belgium; Zdenek Chlopcik, Czech; Colin James, Denmark; Asis Khadjeh-Nouri, Germany; Mauro Lini, Italy; Andrzej Jankowski, Poland; Valery Gulay, Russia; Dushan Pashka, Slovenia, Fredi Novak, Slovenia; Serhiy Dorogovtsev, Ukraine.

For the year 2002 UDSA has already secured another IDSF World Championship as highlight of the VIIth Kiev Open. On 14th and 15th of December the Kiev Sports Palace will host the IDSF 10-Dance Junior II World Championships. In addition the IDSF European Championships10-Dances and the IDSF International Open comps in Standard and in the Latin-American dances. It promises to again become a splendid event.

Werner J. Braun