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Dresses / Tail Suits  
Absolutely New Ballroom competition dres...
€ 750.00 Fixed price
Elegant Ballroom Competition Dress
United States
€ 1500.00 Negotiable
Stunning Competition Dress by "LE F...
United States
€ 4500.00 Negotiable
Red Black Ballroom dress
United States
€ 1600.00 Fixed price
Velvet Tiger Ballroom Dance Dress
€ 650.00 Negotiable
€ 1750.00 Negotiable
Great Latin Dress
United States
€ 1000.00 Negotiable
Bright and Elegant dress!!
€ 700.00 Contact us
Black and Green Ballroom dress
€ 875.00 Contact us
VESA dress for sale!
€ 900.00 Fixed price
Dresses / Tail Suits  
Absolutely new royal blue ballroom dress
€ 800.00 Fixed price
Size: S- M
Great Latin Dress
United States
€ 1650.00 Negotiable
Size: XS/ S
€ 1000.00 Fixed price
Size: S
Vesa Latin Dance Dress - pink
€ 999.00 Negotiable
Size: Small
Ballroom dress for sale
€ 800.00 Negotiable
Size: S
Dancing Day Italian atelier ballroom dress
€ 1000.00 Contact us
Size: 34-38
The best dress.
€ 100.00 Fixed price
Size: 38-42
Stunning Pink SAPIEL Atelier
€ 700.00 Highest offer
Size: EU 44 - UK 16
Enchanting standard
€ 1400.00 Negotiable
Size: XS-S, 36-38
Classy Lilac Dress with Swarovski Crystals
United States
€ 500.00 Negotiable
Size: US 0-2
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Plaza Statement - Paso Doble the dance ....... For the Men
The Paso Doble on the competition floor should create a Spanish Bull Fighting atmosphere.For me the Paso Doble is the dance for the Man, which allows him to fill the Space with strong three dimensional shapes and movements danced with Pride and Dignity. Most Man on the floor underestimate the Body toning required for the Paso Doble to danceScharp and Sudden shaped lines. Attention should be given to the musical phrasing and the choreographic patterns, in non progressive moving patterns an increase of energy and strength must be noticeable by the audience and the ... Judges.

Plaza Statement - A few other statements

- Ladies, think thin, light and long
- Leave a positive opinion behind should be your strategy as well.
- Judges stay to the rules and roots.....
- Competitors??explainthe DanceSportlife-style to your friend and family
- Don't worry....Technique needs time to develop
- Paso Doble..... Think and shape Spanish!
- Judges,.... can, do and may disagree
- To reach the top you need more than talent
- Competitors be other elements
- Get more out of you lessons..... plan and evaluate!
- You always should enjoy?..that's DanceSport
- DanceSport a Sport or Art?
- Dancing.... the receivers are the audience
- Standard dancers...... train your shoulders.
- Stop rotating........ go back to characterisation!
- Sway will happen..... don't create it
- Dancers.....keep track with your feet
- Get more out of you lessons..... plan and evaluate!
- Leaders...... are also following.
- Dancers express what you feel..