Dancing Tid-bits Issue #200, Thursday, October 14, 2004.
Today's Topic: Jive, Promenade Walks-part 2
I can't believe this is Dancing Tid-bits #200 and I am glad it is. I take this opportunity to thank you all who have sent me much e mail supporting this newsletter.
To look good in executing Walks in Jive there are 2 important things.
1. Delayed Walk (lady)2. Pressure and Counter Pressure (man).
What is a Delayed Walk? A delayed walk is what it really means. In other words the walk is delayed. You step forward (or backward) and delay lowering of the Heel. It will not look good to do Rumba Walks normally in delayed fashion. However this concept is used many times by the lady such as when she does a Hip Twist (RF forward and across). ISTD term for this is a Pressed Walk. I don't understand why we are burdened with different terminology from one school to the other.
So how does a delayed walk apply to Walks in Jive? Well, if you read the pattern in my last tidbit, Man and Lady are in PP and she has done two jive chasses first closed and then a forward chasse in open to promenade position. As she closes her RF to LF for the first Q she should use a delayed walk with compressed knee (RF) to come in closed position. For the second Q, then she uses a normal straight leg walk, LF going into promenade again. This she repeats again RF and LF. These are 4 Qs of the Walks, two delayed walks with compressed knee for the RF and two normal walks LF. It is natural that as she uses a compressed knee RF, she will loose some height; but as she will step normal LF, she will gain this height back. This Down and UP motion without exaggeration produces a nice effect.
Pressure and Counter Pressure? To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Man's job in Promenade Walks is to keep his body "Steady" in PP and provide firm pressure with his Left Hand so that she can use this pressure as a 'Lead' to successfully go from Close to PP and vice versa. Men! just think about it and you will know what I mean.
No Swivels Please! Actually there is a swiveling action as she goes from pp to close and again to pp but these are not true swivels if you use the right technique as described above. I would say the swiveling action happens on the previous beat before the lady steps for her Q's. The man can maintain the lead for extended period and she will continue the action and therefore she can be asked to do 4, 6 or 8 Q's but anything more than that would be too much?..