Dancing Tid-bits Issue #213, Thursday, March 17, 2005
Today's Topic: Fallaway Ronde vs. Bounce Fallaway
This Tid-bit is for those foxtrot dancers who use Fallaway frequently in dancing.
What is a Fallaway: Not a bad idea to define Fallaway for some one who is just getting into more advanced figures. Fallaway can be defined as a "position in which both partners are stepping back in Promenade Position."
Bounce Fallaway with Weave Ending: This is a standard gold figure in Slow Foxtrot and is well described in the Ballroom Technique (ISTD). You simply put the lady in Fallaway Reverse and continue (Man) going back and end it with last 4 steps of the Basic Weave. It is called Bounce Fallaway (as opposed to Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot) because there is rise and fall 3 times during the whole movement. However the name "Bounce is misnomer as there should be no bouncing but rather, emphasis should be on travel and flight with only a gentle rise and fall or let's say keep the swing going.
Fallaway Ronde: As usual Mr Pierre Allaire had a surprise for us last nite and he added his touch to it and gave us a figure which I think is a variation of Bounce Fallaway. You simply change the 3rd and 4th step of Bounce Fallaway to a timing of SSQQ (instead of S&QQ). On the second slow use more compression to accomplish a Left Foot Ronde for Man (stepping on RF in Fallaway) to lead the lady to do a Right Foot Ronde and now you can finish other remaining steps of the Bounce Fallaway. However we did a little variation here and instead of a weave ending we took two Quick steps back, man going back lady going forward maintaing outside position. Here we did an "Outside Swivel facing against LOD. Another spicy end to outside swivel was introduced by stepping forward for the man, cutting off the lady by 2 Quicks(Man RF,LF)turning right to face DW and follow with Feather Step.
I know it sounds too much and too complex but my idea of presenting this tid-bit is not the whole choreography here but to present a "Ronde concept in a Fallaway Reverse" for those dancers who already know these figures. I found it quite exciting and will use it in many different ways. With Best Wishes, Max