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Result Service - Couple Information
Go Byeongsu and Go Sun
Gentleman Lady
Name : Go Byeongsu Go Sun
City : Not available Not available
Country : Not available Not available
Age : Not available Not available
Occupation : Not available Not available
Hobbies : Not available Not available
Favourite dance : Not available Not available
Modify couple information ::
Compare results
Representing country : Not available
Best result : 39 at IDSF Grand Slam Latin
Anything of public interest : Not available
Main trainers : Not available
Competition age : Adult Latin
Competition(s) recorded : 1
Current dance status : Not available
Begin partnership : Not available
End partnership : Not available
First competition recorded 2007-03-18 :: IDSF :: IDSF Grand Slam Latin - Adult Latin - Japan (place 39)
Last competition recorded 2007-03-18 :: IDSF :: IDSF Grand Slam Latin - Adult Latin - Japan (place 39)
All recorded competitions 2007-03-18 IDSF - IDSF Grand Slam Latin Adult LatinJapan (place 39)
How to use the Correction tool:
1. Go to the couple information page on were your name is correctly written.
2. Activate the checkbox(es) in front of the names you want to correct into your own.
3. Click on the correct button.
4. Your correct request is sent to the webmaster for approval.
Male Name
Female Name
Goran Vidajic
Gordana Abramovic
Grzegosz Demuha
Malgorzata Borsyk
Grzegorz Demuha
Malgorzata Borsuk
Grygorovych, Sergiy
Grygorovych, Ludmila
Dogoter, Igori
Gorscova, Natalia
Golovaschenko, Rouslan
Golovaschenko, Olena
Dogoter, Igor
Gorshkova, Natalia
Grigoli, Massimo
Grigoli, Antonella
Gomes Rodrigues, Alberto
Gomes Rodrigues, Mari
Dogoter, Igor
Pagoni, Stela
Igor Dolota
Iryna Gretsun
Go Byeong Su
Go Sun
Igor Golota
Irina Grytsun
Byeong Go
Go Sun Su
Gokhan Topcu
Gonca Eldem
Golovchenko Ilya
Bogoslavskaya Kristina
Goto Motonobu
Goto Yoshiko
Gonca Eldem
Goller Barnabas Gabor
Goller Kitti
Dragota Eric-Mihai
Dragota Ingrid Maria
When to use correct names feature:
1. If on your couple information page the names are incorrectly spelled.
2. Fill in the form and sent it to the webmaster.