2012-02-26 | NADB - NADB - TilburgMoves 2012 Adults D Standard | Netherlands | (place 14) |
2012-01-29 | NADB - Wijchen Swingt Internationaal 2012 Adults D Standard | Netherlands | (place 12) |
2011-10-16 | NADB - Holland Masters 2011 Adults D Standard | Netherlands | (place 10) |
2011-09-25 | NADB - QueenE Challenge Trophy 2011 Adults D Standard | Netherlands | (place 5) |
2011-05-15 | NADB - Mini Blackpool 2011 Adults Nwl Standard | Netherlands | (place 3) |
2011-04-10 | NADB - De Bruijn´s 44th Championships Adults Nwl Standard | Netherlands | (place 6) |
2011-04-03 | NADB - Limburg Danst April 2011 Adults Nwl Standard | Netherlands | (place 11) |
2011-01-16 | NADB - Dens Gala 2011 Adults Nwl Standard | Netherlands | (place 5) |
2010-10-10 | NADB - Holland Masters 2010 Adults Nwl Standard | Netherlands | (place 19) |
2010-09-12 | NADB - Grote Prijs van Twente 2010 Adults Nwl Standard | Netherlands | (place 16) |
2010-04-18 | NADB - Limburg Danst 2010 Adults Nwl Standard | Netherlands | (place 18) |
2010-03-28 | NADB - De Bruin's 42th Dance Championships 2010 Debutanten 3 Latin | Netherlands | (place 5) |
2010-03-28 | NADB - De Bruin's 42th Dance Championships 2010 Adults Nwl Standard | Netherlands | (place 13) |
2010-03-28 | NADB - De Bruin's 42th Dance Championships 2010 Debutanten 2 Standard | Netherlands | (place 2) |
2010-03-21 | NADB - NADB Bondskampioenschappen 2010 Debutanten 2 Standard | Netherlands | (place 6) |
2010-03-21 | NADB - NADB Bondskampioenschappen 2010 Debutanten 3 Latin | Netherlands | (place 10) |
2010-02-14 | NADB - 41th De Bruijn's Championships 2010 Debutanten 3 Latin | Netherlands | (place 2) |
2010-02-14 | NADB - 41th De Bruijn's Championships 2010 Debutanten 2 Standard | Netherlands | (place 1) |
2010-01-31 | NADB - Wijchen Swingt Internationaal 2010 Debutanten 3 Latin | Netherlands | (place 6) |
2010-01-31 | NADB - Wijchen Swingt Internationaal 2010 Debutanten 2 Standard | Netherlands | (place 2) |
2010-01-10 | NADB - The Happy New Year Trophy 2010 Debutanten 3 Latin | Netherlands | (place 8) |
2010-01-10 | NADB - The Happy New Year Trophy 2010 Debutanten 2 Standard | Netherlands | (place 7) |
2009-12-13 | NADB - NADB Christmas Challenge Trophy 2009 Debutanten 3 Latin | Netherlands | (place 10) |
2009-12-13 | NADB - NADB Christmas Challenge Trophy 2009 Debutanten 2 Standard | Netherlands | (place 6) |
2009-10-11 | NADB - NADB - Holland Masters 2009 Debutanten 3 Latin | Netherlands | (place 7) |
2009-10-11 | NADB - NADB - Holland Masters 2009 Debutanten 2 Standard | Netherlands | (place 13) |