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Written by : Werner J. Braun
Date : 02-14-2002
Title : Mayor Cup Ukraine 2002
Article: Mayor Cup Donetsk/Ukraine 2002

IDSF International Open Standard and Latin


As far as I know there is no other international DanceSport competition, of which the Lord Mayor of a city not only took the umbrella, but also worked as co-organiser. And even more, who invites for a press conference and takes the chair by himself. Sergey Dorogovtsev, President of the DanceSport Club "Raduga Prestige" in the second biggest Ukrainian city of Donetzk made this happen. Lord Mayor Vladymyr Rybak is a real fan of DanceSport and took over the full risk of the big international IDSF competition, the "Lord Mayors Cup of Donetzk".

Up to now Sergey Dorogovtsev organised 27 national and international DanceSport events in his home town Donetzk. This year he could invite for the 3rd International Lord Mayors Cup and start a tradition. He could attract and win additional sponsors who helped him inviting some well-known international judges. One of the sponsors was the beverage company "Maxi". The managing director of it as well attended the press conference, which took place in the conference room of the City Hall of Donetzk. More than 50 representatives of Press Media, Radio and Television stations attended it.

Quite a few of the judges met in Kiev's national airport "Juliany" in order to start together the 850 km journey to Donetzk in a turboprop aeroplane of the Ukrainian Air Company "Donbass Airlines". After about two hours with roaring noise of the engines we had reached our destination.

Tatyana Syrmyanyan, the friendly assistant of Sergey Dorogovtsev welcomed us at the airport and took us by bus to the stars hotel "Central" in the centre of the city. Here we had a wonderful accommodation besides that there was only hot water, when we already had left for work. Transport to the Sports Palace of the Youth "Yunost" and back to the hotel was very well organised - you could feel the routine.

IDSF International Open Standard

1. Dmytro Wloch/Olga Urumova - Ukraine -- 5
2. Anton Kolyubayev/Anna Lanukh - Ukraine -- 12
3. Dmytro Zimnenko/Iryna Mikhonik - Ukraine -- 13
4. Evgeniy Andreev/Galina Abramova - Russia -- 20
5. Dmytro Kavalenko/Anna Lishchenko - Ukraine -- 25
6. Gennadiy Basha/Tamara Udaltsova - Ukraine -- 30

The new IDSF Youth 10-Dance World Champions Dmytro Wloch and Olga Urumova easily won the IDSF Standard competition. Their enormous expenditures for training had paid. I really was happy that Dmytro had returned to Olga after having split and the trial period with another partner. Without doubt he quickly had realised what pearl he had lost. They again found to each other, trained very hard and improved considerably. They now dance together with a very advantageous flair.

The Panel of Judges:
Ara Mkhoyan - Armenia
Hermann Gφtz - Austria
Werner J. Braun - Germant
Barbara Adalberti - Italy
Davide Cacciari - Italy
Nina Salgale - Latvia
Wah-Yee Jimmi Liew - Malaysia
Galina Gulay - Russia
John Tan - Singapore
Maryna Burtova - Ukraine
Valentyna Fedorchuk - Ukraine

IDSF International Open Latin

1. Oleksandr Prysyashnyuk/Angelina Lokteva - Ukraine -- 5
2. Mykhailo Samoschenko/Julia Zavadska - Ukraine -- 10
3. Aleksandr Sokolov/Julia Chernova - Russia -- 16
4. Dmitriy Rudnev/Evgenia Dokuchaeva - Russia -- 19
5. Sergiy Ivanov/Maria Alekhina - Russia -- 27
6. Vladyslav Talybin/Katerina Stolyarenko - Ukraine -- 28

Oleksandr Prysyashnyuk from Simpheropol took a break for a while after he split with his partner. Now I have seen him for the first time on the floor with his new Russian partner Angelina Lokteva. I really was enthusiastic. The new partner, "eloped" from Moscow matches wonderfully with Oleksandr, has a very good musical feeling and is very talented. With her he has the best chances for the future. Their trainer Colin James made them fit for the comeback. In the week prior to Donetzk they danced in four competitions with big success included the second place in the Rising Star of the UK. An enormous stress, especially for the girl who just lost her father in an automobile accident.

The panel of judges was just the same as in Standard with only one exception: Instead of Maryna Burtova judged Julia Nagorska - also from the Ukraine.

Lord Mayor Vladymyr Rybak - he is also Member of the Ukrainian Parliament - opened his competition and welcomed the participators. He was accompanied with nearly all the Members of his City Council. The presence of the Lord Mayor was followed by the presence of quite a lot of prominent honouree guests. Especially important for our DanceSport was the presence of Nataliya Yaroyaya, Chef Coach of the State Sports Committee. On either days she looked for the company of Oksana Miroshnichenko, Press Attachι of the Ukrainian DanceSport Association, in order to learn as much as possible about Dancing as Sport.

The officials who were untiringly working: Tatjana Kushanova, responsible for the working material of the judges - she always had a smile for us - or Alexey Naryshkin, who during the two days lasting competition took care for a good choice of rhythmical and melodical competition music. Here again the computer team of the Ukrainian DanceSport Association with Viktor Kravtchuk and Igor Chorny guaranteed the smooth organisation of the competition. It pays when always the same experts are in office. Very charming the compeer of the whole event, Ekaterina Shurova, who fluently run the comp in her Ukrainian mother tongue and in English.

For the evening finals the organisers had a special gag, which was very well accepted by the audience: Two lovely saxophone players, Tatiana and Anna, played solo and life to the sound of the discs. They created a great sound, which pleased the competitors and the spectators. And besides it was a great show!

As frame program we saw - as always at comps in the Ukraine - competitions of all Youth categories in Standard and in Latin. The entries were numerous. We saw a lot of talented young dancers and realised that the very well done work with the Youth here in the Ukraine pays.

The Ukrainian Team Championships were also a part of the competition. Three teams were competing: Odessa with captain David Burtov, Kiev with captain Igor Soronovich and Donetzk with captain Sergey Dorogovtsev. The presentations of the teams were great. Especially Valentina Fedorchuk of the Kiev team with her dugs dance and Sergey Dorogovtsev of the Donetzk Team as Elvis Presley with guitar were just brilliant. In their costumes and performances they were real professionals who knew how to attract the audience.

It was self understood that the Ukrainian Television was on the spot. The close connections of Sergey Dorogovtsev paid. He himself is reporting from the important events around the globe for the Donetzk Regional Program. We were shown the outstanding quality of his productions on the monitor in the VIP lounge during the course of the two days competition.

The Gala evening following the first competition day saw the international top couples, the officials and VIPs invited to the restaurant "Schinok" built in the typical Ukrainian country style. With selected country-typical dishes and beverages, a lot of toasts in many languages and talks among friends, time passed too quickly. The last of the party came home to the hotel with the milkman.

The International IDSF competition of the Lord Mayors Cup of Donetzk was an outstanding promotion for DanceSport. Sergey Dorogovtsev and his charming wife Julia Nagorska and their Dance Club "Raduga-Prestige" deserve praise and thanks. They enriched the competition landscape of the Ukraine. Lord Mayor Vladymyr Rybak received out of the hands of UDSA President Dr. Sviatoslav T. Wloch for his service to DanceSport the highest Award of the DanceSport Association, the precious trophy of the UDSA Terpsichore Award. Creating a tradition found the respective estimation.

Werner J. Braun