Now that you have learned Natural Spin Turn, Lock Steps, Running Right Turn, Running Finish,V6 and 4 Quick Runs etc., Quickstep has suddenly become boring. You see these champions hopping and running and you say what? So, it is time to lean some syncopation, Hops and Scatter Chasses. Mr. Pierre Allaire was at the studio so we went to work.
Get used to syncopation first and worry about hopping and running later. So you know what a Tipsy is,it is simply a chasse. A Tipsy to right (chasses RLR) and a Tipsy to left (chasses LRL). The count is "Q & Q". A little practice with music and sure you will enjoy it. Once you have a handle on this, we can add one more chasse. In other words go Q&Q&S. To the right it will be RLRLR and now LF is free to go left, LRLRL. At the end it is "Slow". All you have to do now is add a little Hop on slow and change direction whichever way you like. Remember that rhythm is fast so it is not a good idea to close the feet all the way; just 1/2 close is fine. There you have it, Scatter Chasses in Quickstep. Practice this to Music at different speeds for a week-15 minutes a day and next week we can put this into a group. I must say that Mr. Allaire has an art of making things simple. Like any other good coach he goes back to the "BASICS" and then develops a more intersting and advanced form of movement from that basic. Best Wishes, Max