Mazaes is an international, integrated and independent organization, specializing in audit, accounting, tax and advisory services. Mazars can operate in 58 countries around the world.Among them it has
built a unique integrated partnership in 38 countries.As the market challenger, Mazars is fully able to provide large corporate multinational firms with seamless tailored solutions.Its complete, adaptable and flexible range of services also makes Mazars perfectly able to serve smaller
companies and owner-managed businesses as well as high net worth individuals.
Contact Details:
Mazars, Afdeling Marketing & Communicatie, Rivium Promenade 200, 2909 LM Capelle a/d/ Ijssel, Postbus 23123, 3001 KC Rotterdam, Tel: 31 10 2771333, Fax: 31 10 2771340,
The Netherlands, Email: