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Written by : Werner J. Braun
Date : 05-14-2002
Title : GOC Press Conf. May 2002
Article: GOC Press Conference May 2002
16. German Open Championships
International DanceSport Competition
August, 27th. till 31st. 2002 in Mannheim Congress Center Rosengarten.

D-69120 Heidelberg
Phone49 6221 413715
Fax49 6221 401363
Mobile49 172 62 111 33

Under the Umbrella of German Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder
GOC modified by new Structures
Just now the first GOC Press Conference took place in the Mannheim Dorint Hotel. Michel Maugé, Manager of the Mannheim Congress and Tourist Ltd., MKT, as organiser of the German Open Championships, welcomed and presented leading Members of the newly founded GOC Steering Committee:
Harald Frahm, President of the German DanceSport Association DTV, Karl Breuer, President of the German Professional DanceSport Association DPV and President of the World DanceSport Association WD&DRC as well as DPV Vice-President Gerd Weissenberg. Further Members of the Steering Committee are multi Latin World Champion Donnie Burns of Scotland and Wilfred Scheible, President of the DanceSport Association of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Wilfried Scheible. In addition the Mannheim Congress and Tourist Ltd. were represented by Marketing Manager Dr. Marius Mueller and Project Manager Juergen Heitz.

Steering Committee assists and advises the GOC Organisation
Michel Maugé informed the numerous representatives of the media that after Harry Koerners separation from the daily GOC-business - he still is Member of the GOC partners - the complete organisation was taken over by MKT.

There was founded a Steering Committee for active assistance and advice, which gave the GOC new importance, deepened the internationality, raised the quality of the adjudicators and the quantity of the professionals. The international reputation of the whole event was raised considerably by this step.

In Future as well no Limitation of Participants
Transferring the wardrobes into the adjacent Tulla Highschool will result in enormous new free space. New modern and complete sanitary devices with showers etc. are available. Thanks are due to the school department of the Mannheim City administration. The adjacent rooms of the Dorint Congress Hotel are included as well, such as the VIP lounge, which this year will be established in the Stamitz Hall of the Rosengarten. With all those plans it will be guaranteed that with the GOC no limitation of participators will be necessary.

No traditional Opening Gala due to extensive Renovation
Due to millions of Euro taking construction and renovation works this years GOC starts without the traditional Opening Gala. As the roof of the Musensaal is being reconstructed the second largest ballroom will not be available. The competitions formerly organised there will be transferred to the Beethoven-Hall of the adjacent Dorint Congress Hotel. But there will be no alternative hall for the ball. That will not concern the GOC Award Ceremony "La Dance" which will be integrated into the evening event of the first competition day on Tuesday, August 27th. The main sports events of the first day will be the final round of the segue section of the Latin Professionals starting 20.00 hrs sharp. The final of the Youth Standard and a show of the Award winners will complete the evening event. The reception for the officials and VIPs with buffet is scheduled as well for the first day. The positive result of the construction and renovation measures will be effective in the coming year. Then as well the 28 competitions will be comprised and for the International Training Camp new ideas will be realised which surely will result in a considerable raise of quality.

Jubilee GOC in the coming Year on occasion of Rosengarten 100 Year Jubilee
The scramming during this year´s event will pay. Finishing the reconstruction and renovation of the Mannheim Rosengarten will result in the coming year of the 100-year Jubilee in a venue of new splendour. To celebrate this a grand GOC Jubilee event already is being scheduled.

New Markets - new Nations. More intensive co-operation with Great Britain
A much more intensive co-operation with couples and Associations of Great Britain - with the Professionals as well - has been planed. Organiser Michel Maugé and the Members of the Steering Committee will be on the spot at Blackpool and have intensive discussions on the future co-operation.

New on the list of participating countries will be the Peoples Republic of China, which will send a first contingent of 50 competitors. They as well will participate in the International Team Match and will be integrated into the opening ceremonies. There has been concluded an according agreement with the Dance Academy of the University of Peking.

German Open Championships Mannheim integrated into the WD&DSC World Series
It is a great recognition of Mannheim and the GOC that according to the new structures it was integrated in the new world series of the Professional competitions. World President Karl Breuer articulated his content about the development and the considerable improvement of the co-operation. The image of the German Open Championships has been considerably improved

High grade Adjudicators accepted to judge the German Open Championships
The choice of judges has been especially and carefully taken by the Steering Committee. The always-improving importance of the participants from the Eastern countries - especially with the Youth and Amateur competitions - has been taken into special consideration. 10 judges from the Eastern countries and Japan have been invited. With this ¼ of the adjudicators will come from those regions. The total of 40 judges origin from 15 countries. Their well-known class and their great image will give the up to now already very high level a still bigger reputation. Together with host Germany (10) England for the first time will have the biggest potential (8). Gerd Weissenberg, Vice President of the German Professional Association, cited literately: "The places of judges have been selected justly according to nations and represent the best what you will find in the World of DanceSport!" The World Series of the Professionals is mounted with absolute top persons - with the couples as well as with the adjudicators! When the World President is calling, there will be no refusals. This will be the profit of the GOC. The recognition of the international World of Dancing will be certain. We from DPV are glad that Germany belongs to the leading DanceSport Nations!" Karl Breuer brought it to the point: 19 adjudicators within the GOC panel were British-, European- or World-Champions. Super class!

The Panel of the GOC Adjudicators 2002

Belgium: Hubert de Maesschalck
Germany: Horst Beer, Peter Beinhauer, Bernd Bork, Werner Fuehrer, Hans-Reinhard Galke, Ruediger Knaack, Ralf Lepehne, Klaus Theimer, Henner Thurau, Oliver Wessel-Therhorn.
England: Michael Barr, Alan Fletcher, Anne Gleave, Robin Short, Andrew Sinkinson, Sammy Stopford, Michael Stylianos, John Wood.
Italy: Caterina Arzenton, Luca Baricchi, Adalberto Dell´Orto, Guido Maero, Katja Vanone.
Japan: Isao Nakagawa, Torii Hirotada
Lithuania: Dr. Jurate Norveisha
Moldova: Svetlana Gozun
Netherlands: David Simon
Norway: Tone Nyhagen, Espen Salberg
Austria: Günter Doeller
Poland: Karolina Felska
Russia: Peter Chebotarev, Natalia Galperina, Viktor Nikovsky, Stanislav Popov
Slovenia: Marko Vodnik
Ukraine: Sergey Dorogovtsev
USA: John Kimmins

The complete "Top of the World" is being expected to participat
The Italian top couples already have made their entries. In the Latin section of the amateurs especially the expected duel Franco Formica/Oksana Nikiforova, Germany, and Dimitry Thimokin/Anna Bezikova, Russia, will enthusiast the fans. With the Professionals the Latin World Champions Bryan Watson & Carmen, Germany, and Paul Killick and Hanna Kartuunen, England, already confirmed their entries. The worldwide good connections of the Members of the Steering Committee already paid.

Entertainment, Variety and Excitement - the new Motto of the GOC
DTV President Harald Frahm says no to the up to now 10-12 hours Marathon competitions. Entertainment, variety and excitement are promoted. Michel Maugé put the aspect "show" in the foreground. Dancing rounds for the audience and interesting show parts shall raise the value of the GOC for the audience. The evening deadline will be strictly kept. From 20 hrs onwards there only will be semi-finals and finals. The competitions will be condensed and real highlights created. The last prize presentation will take place at 24 hrs. Compeering and moderation shall be more interesting. A choice of experts from the Professional moderation pool shall be taken. Especially stressed shall be the point with children-like moderation and presentation in the Youth competitions.

New Structures as well with the Lectures
It was not easy to achieve that with this years lectures always two experts together will give one lecture. The couples will profit by the great names and the competition between the lecturers. Under the motto " the best" we will see on the floor: The multi Latin World Champ Donnie Burns of Scotland together with the "champion-maker" Espen Saalberg of Norway on Wednesday; a further Latin lecture on Thursday with the German Federal Coach Oliver Wessel-Therhorn and World-Champion Hans-Reinhard Galke. On Friday will be the Standard Lecture with the Italian trainer duo Luca Baricchi and Augusto Schiavo - both hard rivals on the floor during their time.
Crowded halls are guaranteed. Tickets for the lectures are only available in connection with a normal GOC ticket or starting fee at Euro 10.- each.

New Technique of Marking System on Approval
Ralf Pickelmann, responsible for the marking system since the very start of the GOC 16 years ago, changes now to the fully automatic electronic marking system of his TPS competition protocol system, which dismisses from the floor the up to now used number boards. The new automatic system will be installed in the Mozartsaal for a trial. It leads the markings of the judges directly into the computer. On a giant screen the audience can follow the marking procedure. The judges are shown with their picture and nationality. It is planed to install this system for the jubilee competition in 2003 in all halls. The Organising Company of Michel Maugé will pay the immense investment sums.

The old Sponsors are the new ones
All the sponsors which accompanied the GOC up to now, are again in the boat: The City Administration of Mannheim, International Dance Shoes, Kurfuersten Passage Mannheim, Kneipp Arnica and Hidrofugal.
Televising the event will go on in the approved procedure. There are negotiations with the different television companies. Not understandable is the fact, that both of the two most important German TV-Companies ARD and ZDF do not take any notice from the biggest DanceSport event of the continent. Obviously they neglect the wishes of most of their customers.

New Flyer with Application Form
Michel Maugé presented the new flyer for the 16. German Open Championships. It contains all you need to know about time schedule, entry for competitors, Ordering of tickets and hotel recommendation. The new information material may be ordered with the organiser under fax nr. 0049 621 41 06 202. The deadline for entries is fixed to the 15th of July 2002. Ticket wishes may be articulated to the Mannheim Ticket Office under telephone 0049 621 10 10 11.
With the flyer Michel Maugé presented as well the new Logo of the Mannheim Congress and Tourist Ltd., under which this years GOC will be organised: "m:con": Short, precise and modern!

Stable Prices for GOC-Ticket
No increase in price due to the transfer to the EURO
Even after the transfer to the Euro the price level for the 16th German Open DanceSport Championships from 27th to 31st of August 2002 in the Mannheim Congress Centre Rosengarten has remained almost stable. Tickets for standing room cost 21 Euro, seats for the different days between 28 and 38 Euro, seats for all five days between 99 and 350 Euro. This last category ranges as Luxury-first Class Package and includes a VIP-Lounge-Card.

Werner J. Braun