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Dresses / Tail Suits  
Absolutely New Ballroom competition dres...
€ 750.00 Fixed price
Elegant Ballroom Competition Dress
United States
€ 1500.00 Negotiable
Stunning Competition Dress by "LE F...
United States
€ 4500.00 Negotiable
Red Black Ballroom dress
United States
€ 1600.00 Fixed price
Velvet Tiger Ballroom Dance Dress
€ 650.00 Negotiable
€ 1750.00 Negotiable
Great Latin Dress
United States
€ 1000.00 Negotiable
Bright and Elegant dress!!
€ 700.00 Contact us
Black and Green Ballroom dress
€ 875.00 Contact us
VESA dress for sale!
€ 900.00 Fixed price
Dresses / Tail Suits  
Absolutely new royal blue ballroom dress
€ 800.00 Fixed price
Size: S- M
Great Latin Dress
United States
€ 1650.00 Negotiable
Size: XS/ S
€ 1000.00 Fixed price
Size: S
Vesa Latin Dance Dress - pink
€ 999.00 Negotiable
Size: Small
Ballroom dress for sale
€ 800.00 Negotiable
Size: S
Dancing Day Italian atelier ballroom dress
€ 1000.00 Contact us
Size: 34-38
The best dress.
€ 100.00 Fixed price
Size: 38-42
Stunning Pink SAPIEL Atelier
€ 700.00 Highest offer
Size: EU 44 - UK 16
Enchanting standard
€ 1400.00 Negotiable
Size: XS-S, 36-38
Classy Lilac Dress with Swarovski Crystals
United States
€ 500.00 Negotiable
Size: US 0-2
Looking for a dress? click here
To add a dress click here
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 08-23 :: Trainingskamp Cla
 08-11 :: Open Limburg Dans
 01-26 :: Wsi Wedstrijd Van
 01-24 :: Dens Gala: Verkoz
 01-23 :: Danceplaza Caf้
 01-20 :: Dens Gala Wedstri
 01-16 :: Latin Drill En Bo
 01-14 :: Met Spoed Gezocht
 01-03 :: Nieuwjaarsbal Vri
 12-21 :: Verdien Je Vdn-Co
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 04-28 :: Let'S Dance Champion...
 08-19 :: Hiring Dance Instruc...
 03-30 :: Latin/Ballroom Dress...
 10-03 :: Opheffingsuitverkoop...
 03-01 :: Odissi Dance And Mus...
 02-21 :: Hairaffair - For All...
 02-07 :: Tedancari Dance Comp...
 06-13 :: Launch Of Free Site ...
 03-01 :: Movement Of Your Bod...
 02-22 :: High Level Internati...
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 formation teams Tsc Astoria TBingen... 
 clubs/studio Sylvie & Rene Lemyre 
 clubs/studio Dance Plaza Takeuchi 
 homepages Stanislaw & Cathrin 
 clubs/studio Arthur Murray Toront... 
 organisations Amateur Dance Club O... 
 clubs/studio Centrum Kultury W Lu... 
 universities Dennis Voermans & Es... 
 general Troyka Tourism 
 organisations Cdsa - Croatian Danc... 
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Plaza Statement - DanceSport .....contains Art and Show as well
Dancing is much more than a sport, during teaching and coaching I noticed on top of the more technical aspects, the usages of the following wording: Passion, anger, enjoyment, resistance, impact, spontaneity, desire, free, light, heavy earthy, staccato, slick, casual, absorb, tense, relax, invite, lead, follow, extend, sustain, dominate, bright, contact, flight, swing, flow, power, confidence, transmit, receive and much more!

Plaza Statement - A few other statements

- Quickstep.... think fast dance clever!
- Swing is ..... Down and Upswing done by both
- Busy bodies .... are poor leaders
- Dancing, clear indication
- Slow Foxtrot specialists... invest in your Tango
- Sport Dancing Ladies....... Think balanced and horizontal!!.
- Swing down and feel the gravity!
- Combine Technique and Artistry and........ keep it simple!
- South American Showdancers should...... have artistic skills.
- Fighting to reach a position is the wrong strategy to win a comp
- Ladies, think thin, light and long
- Dancers, feel....the accents in your dancing!
- Being seen by the judges is the starting point to win a comp
- Centring makes you?..?grounded and speedy
- Choreography.... keep it simple but unpredictable!
- Competitors bring excitement your quickstep
- Stop rotating........ go back to characterisation!
- Knowing how judges think and feel will improve your results
- Dance in the dance ....... not for the judges!!.
- Formation dancers dance two choreographs at the same time .....