2007-04-29 | NADB - The Woodenshoe 2007 Nieuwelingen Std | Netherlands | (place 1) |
2007-04-22 | NADB - Limburg Danst 2007 C klasse Latin | Netherlands | (place 6) |
2007-04-22 | NADB - Limburg Danst 2007 Nieuwelingen Std | Netherlands | (place 1) |
2007-02-11 | NADB - De Grote Prijs van ZN 2007 C klasse Latin | Netherlands | (place 2) |
2007-02-04 | NADB - De Bruin's 35th Championships 2007 C klasse Latin | Netherlands | (place 5) |
2006-11-26 | NADB - De Grote Prijs van Mierlo 2006 Nieuwelingen Std | Netherlands | (place 2) |
2006-10-22 | NADB - Bavaria Dance Trophy 2006 C klasse Latin | Netherlands | (place 5) |
2006-10-22 | NADB - Bavaria Dance Trophy 2006 Nieuwelingen Std | Netherlands | (place 5) |
2006-10-08 | NADB - BeNeLux Kampioenschappen 2006 Nieuwelingen Std | Netherlands | (place 4) |
2006-09-17 | NADB - De Grote Prijs van Twente 2006 C klasse Latin | Netherlands | (place 5) |
2006-04-30 | NADB - Let's Dance Championships 2006 C klasse Latin | Netherlands | (place 5) |
2006-04-30 | NADB - Let's Dance Championships 2006 Nieuwelingen Std | Netherlands | (place 6) |
2006-04-23 | NADB - The Woodenshoe 2006 C klasse Latin | Netherlands | (place 4) |
2006-04-17 | NADB - Holland Dans Spektakel 2006 Nieuwelingen Std | Netherlands | (place 6) |
2006-04-09 | NADB - De Bruijn's 34th Championships 2006 C klasse Latin | Netherlands | (place 5) |
2006-02-19 | NADB - De Grote Prijs van Zuid Nederland 2006 C klasse Latin | Netherlands | (place 6) |
2006-02-05 | NADB - De Bruin's 33rd Championships 2006 C klasse Latin | Netherlands | (place 4) |
2005-04-25 | NADB - The Woodenshoe 2005 Debutanten 1 La | Netherlands | (place 2) |
2005-02-20 | NADB - De Grote Prijs van Zuid Nederland Debutanten 2 La | Nederland | (place 1) |
2005-02-20 | NADB - De Grote Prijs van Zuid Nederland Debutanten 2 Std | Nederland | (place 4) |
2005-02-13 | NADB - De 22ste Gooilandtrophy 2005 Debutanten 2 La | Nederland | (place 1) |
2005-02-13 | NADB - De 22ste Gooilandtrophy 2005 Debutanten 2 Std | Nederland | (place 1) |
2004-10-17 | NADB - Holland Masters 2004 (all results) Debutanten 2 La | Netherlands | (On the dancefloor) |
2004-10-17 | NADB - Holland Masters 2004 (all results) Debutanten 2 Std | Netherlands | (On the dancefloor) |
2004-09-19 | NADB - Grote Prijs van Twente 2004 Debutanten 2 La | Netherlands | (place 3) |
2004-09-19 | NADB - Grote Prijs van Twente 2004 Debutanten 2 Std | Netherlands | (place 4) |
2003-10-05 | NADB - Miss Ballroom Festival - Okt2003 Debutanten 2 La | Netherlands | (place 6) |
2003-09-21 | NADB - Grote Prijs van Twente Sep2003 Debutanten 2 La | Netherlands | (place 6) |
2003-09-21 | NADB - Grote Prijs van Twente Sep2003 Debutanten 3 Std | Netherlands | (place 2) |
2003-04-06 | NADB - Bruijn-Bonel Latin Debutanten 3 | The Netherlands | (place 1) |
2003-04-06 | NADB - De Bruijn-Bonel Latin Debutanten 3 | Netherlands | (place 1) |
2003-03-16 | NADB - Star Latin EU Latin Debutanten 3 | The Netherlands | (place 4) |
2003-03-16 | NADB - Star Latin EU Debutanten 3 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 6) |
2003-03-15 | NADB - NK Regio Latin Debutanten 3 | Netherlands | (place 4) |
2003-03-15 | NADB - NK Regio Debutanten 3 Junioren | Netherlands | (place 6) |
2003-02-16 | NADB - Gooiland Trophy Latin Debutanten 3 | The Netherlands | (place 4) |
2003-02-16 | NADB - 18e Gooiland Trophy Latin Debutanten 3 | Netherlands | (place 4) |
2003-02-09 | NADB - De Bruijn-BonelCup Latin Debutanten 3 | The Netherlands | (place 4) |
2003-02-09 | NADB - De Bruijn-BonelCup Debutanten 4 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 1) |
2003-02-09 | NADB - De Bruijn-Bonel Latin Debutanten 3 | Netherlands | (place 4) |
2003-02-09 | NADB - De Bruijn-Bonel Debutanten 4 Junioren | Netherlands | (place 1) |
2002-11-17 | NADB - 17e Gooiland Trophy Nov2002 Latin Debutanten 4 | Netherlands | (place 2) |
2002-11-17 | NADB - Gooiland Trophy Latin Debutanten 4 | The Netherlands | (place 2) |
2002-10-27 | NADB - Benelux Championships 2002 Debutanten 4 Junioren | Netherlands | (place 5) |
2002-10-27 | NADB - Benelux Debutanten 4 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 5) |