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Written by : Max M Ali MD
Date : 06-30-2002
Title : Teaching QS, Part III
Article: "Dancing Tid-bits" Issue #108, Thursday, June 27,2002

Today's Topic: Teaching QS, Part III-Few Basic Figures

Today, I will discuss only controversial issues as they relate to a few basic figures and present an interesting basic-basic choreography in the next issue. All men's steps, ladies reciprocate please.

1. Quarter Turn to Right: Actually it is a Chasse movement just opposite of Progressive Chasse. I find it interesting that many teachers tell students to step BACK on step 4 LF. I believe it is a side step but the LF appears to be slightly back in relation to the right foot as 1/4 turn to right is completed. So the end position is "side and slightly back". Lady steps diagonal forward RF, after the turn.

2. Progressive Chasse: Most important! As you end this figure, you are preparing to step RF outside partner. It is imperative that body be facing more or lessto the Wall (between wall and diag wall) and feet DW preparing to step forward RF in CBMP. If your students dont understand this, they don't understand QS or any other ballroom dance for that matter.

3. Forward Lock Step: Again it is a Chasse movement, No Sway. I believe that as you move RF to cross behind LF it is side and forward movement but generally speaking,this figure travels to DW.

4. Tipple Chasse to Right : Under normal conditions there are no Sways but as we develop more freedom a sway to right on 4th step feels normal. We should tell the students that a Checked Tipple is something slightly different where sway is more definite and the end alignment is Diag Center rather DW of new LOD.

5. Natural Turn and Hesitation: I would like to know your thoughts on this. Natural Turn is not commonly done or taught in Detroit area. I think that this is a beautiful movement and should be used and taught more often. It is more common here to teach 123 of natural turn and then a heel pull with Hesitation.

6. Chasse Reverse Turn: The old syllabus had 6 steps. Now the heel pivot (steps 4-6) of old syllabus is history.It is now simply 3 steps, LF forward, RF to side and LF closes to RF. I think if students are taught both ways sometimes it is an excellent way to get out of trouble in a congested spot.

Of course, my intention was not to describe these figures. I assume everyone is familiar. I just thought many teachers might have disagreements and some comments. With Best Wishes, Max