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Written by : Werner J. Braun
Date : 09-07-2002
Title : GOC Mannheim 2002 (7)
Article: GOC Mannheim 2002 (7)
On the spot report by Werner J. Braun

Novelties at the GOC

New Name and Logo
In a well attended press conference on the occasion of the GOC, Michel Maugé, Managing Director of the Mannheim Congress and Tourist Ltd., MKT, and organiser of the GOC, announced the change of name and logo of the Congress Centre Mannheim into "m:con". He presented a well done "m:con" image film which showed most interesting spots of development and work of the up to now MKT. In his presentation Michel Maugé announced that the new "m:con" not only organises exhibitions and events in the Mannheim Rosengarten, but as well everywhere in Europe. From idea to documentation "m:con" will provide full service to its customers. All convention activities are now under one single logo: "m:con". This logo stands for m = Mannheim and con for "concept, congress centre, contentment, consulting, conventions, conferences, concerts, controlling, contracts and confidence". In Latin "con" means together and stands for finding and transferring solutions together with the customer. "m:con" will be the first complete offering agency for event solutions in Germany With its 80 staff member's "m:con" will work on any place - world-wide. More about the activities you may find in Internet under "" Unique in the world-wide Internet is the "Event-Planer", where you may plan your event completely virtual in every detail.

World wide first computerised Marking system at GOC
Michel Maugé is one of the most progressive event organiser in Germany. He is always looking for new technical devices, which make the work more effective and quicker. Together with Ralf Pickelmann, the computer specialist of the DanceSport Association Baden-Württemberg TBW, who accompanied the GOC since its foundation, he looked for a new system, which would minimise mistakes and give immediate results to the audience. Ralf Pickelmann found the solution, worked out the software and convinced Michel Maugé to invest the money for the hardware. And on this years GOC the system had its World start.

Each judge has its mini computer in form of a game boy, touches his mark with a little stick and the result is transferred wirelessly into the central computer. Changes or double markings are no more possible. The result was show at the GOC on four giant screens over the stage and all the four walls. There not only the marks were indicated but also the portrait of the judge and the flag of his nation were shown. "Wireless Lan" is the name of the wireless system for this world-wide novelty. The final results go immediately from the Central Computer into Internet: Immediately after the last marks came from the judges, the result of the competition is announced world-wide. The audience and especially the judges were enthusiastic about the easy to handle system, which saves more than 10 minutes in each competition. In November at the "Austrian Open" in Vienna the system will have its next chance.

More than 6500 visitors saw World Record for Guinness Book of Records
The organisers are very fond of Rock´n´Roll, especially since two years ago the World Championship held in the Mannheim Rosengarten was quite a success. Because of lack of room, there was no possibility for a competition this year. But Michel Maugé and May ProSports found the Baiersdorf Company with its anti transpirant product Hidro Fugal as partner for an outstanding R R event. The World Record of 39 shoulderballs should be broken. On November 2001 the Bavarian couple Corinna Braun and Nenad Skaricic reached the phantastic number of 39 turns and gained the World Record in performing this most dangerous acrobatic R R figure.

So, one of the attractions of the GOC for this year was the "Hidro Fugal Shoulderball-Contest 2002". Three R R top couples had made their entry for this dangerous contest. Amongst them were the reigning R R World Champions Katerina Fialova and Roman Kolb from the Czech Republic Nobody would have believed that two German dancers would break the World Record. Already at their first trial they finished with 41 turns, broke the World Record, gained 2000 Euro price money and will find their names in the Guinness Book of Records. Kerstin Bauer-Eifler and her husband Carsten from Bad Homburg were more than happy. The third couple was Radim Holusa and Iveta Pokorna from Prague. They reached 17 shoulderballs, while the World Champions had to give up with 37 turns. The audience accompanied each trial with big applause and the World Record with standing ovations.

China as Godfather of the GOC
It was for the first time, that Chinese DanceSport competitors in greater numbers participated in an International Competition in Western Europe. Thanks to special engagement of Gerd Weissenberg, Vice President of the German Professional DanceSport Association, the Dance Academy of Beijing had send 80 dancers to participate in the GOC with 116 starts. Their teachers and the Dean of the Dance Academy accompanied them. The costs of the journey of this group were totally paid by the Chinese Government. The Chinese Group honoured the GOC organisers by taking over the Grand Opening of the Mannheim Festival. In their national costumes they danced to their national music and demonstrated their national dances. It was a great spectacle and the group got great applause and the first standing ovation of the GOC. Michel Maugé as organiser of the GOC announced a co-operation contract with the Beijing Dance Academy and the Dean promised to participate in next year's GOC with a much bigger number of Chinese dancers. To give an idea of this Academy: They have 75 halls for training, they have 10000 students of which 3000 are training Standard and Latin-American competition dances.

Mannheim City Administration backs up GOC
Traditionally the City Administration of Mannheim gave a reception for the GOC Officials and invited VIPs. First Mayor of Mannheim Dr. Norbert Egger welcomed several Members of the Mannheim City Parliament, Mrs. Gerda Brandt, Head of the Mannheim Sports Department and the Consul of Moldavia. Mannheim and the city of Kishinev/Moldavia are twin cities and that is why the Moldavian Formation Team is sponsored by Mannheim with 2500.-Euro every year. Petru Gozun, President of the Moldavian DanceSport Federation and head of the Kodrianka Formation team was happy to receive this cheque traditionally this year as well. The Consul of Moldavia pointed out the quality of the GOC, appreciated the hospitality to Moldavia´s Formation Team and the wonderful contact to the twin City of Mannheim. Michel Maugé, appreciated that the City Administration sponsors the GOC each year with 25000.-Euro. He stressed the importance of the World biggest DanceSport Competition - this statement is proofed - and gave more details about his plans for the future. See special release!

Werner J. Braun