2003-09-21 | NADB - Grote Prijs van Twente Sep2003 Nieuwelingen | Netherlands | (place 5) |
2002-09-22 | NADB - Grote Prijs van Twente Debutanten 2 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 3) |
2002-02-24 | NADB - Euregio Dance Open Debutanten 2 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 3) |
2002-02-10 | NADB - Gooiland Trophy Debutanten 2 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 6) |
2002-01-27 | NADB - Westlandse Kampioenschappen Debutanten 2 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 3) |
2001-12-09 | NADB - Cultuurstad Prijs Debutanten 2 Juniore | The Netherlands | (place 1) |
2001-09-23 | NADB - Grote Prijs van Twente Latin Debutanten 3 | The Netherlands | (place 4) |
2001-04-29 | NADB - Great Gala of Dancing Debutanten 3 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 1) |
2001-04-22 | NADB - Swinging World Trophy's Debutanten 3 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 4) |
2001-03-04 | NADB - Dance Classics Debutanten 3 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 1) |
2001-01-29 | NADB - Westlandse Kampioenschappen Debutanten 3 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 2) |
2001-01-29 | NADB - Westlandse Kampioenschappen Latin Debutanten 4 | The Netherlands | (place 2) |
2001-01-14 | NADB - Nieuwjaars Cup Latin Debutanten 4 | The Netherlands | (place 4) |
2001-01-14 | NADB - Nieuwjaars Cup Debutanten 3 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 4) |
2000-12-10 | NADB - Cultuurstad Prijs Debutanten 3 Juniore | The Netherlands | (place 5) |
2000-12-03 | NADB - 1e Siereveld Trophy Latin Debutanten 4 | The Netherlands | (place 6) |
2000-12-03 | NADB - 1e Siereveld Trophy Debutanten 4 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 3) |
2000-11-18 | NADB - Gooiland Trophy Latin Debutanten 3 | The Netherlands | (place 5) |
2000-11-18 | NADB - Gooiland Trophy Debutanten 2 Junioren | The Netherlands | (place 2) |