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Result Service - Couple Information
Bas Niezing and Esti Tichelaar

All pictures
Name : Bas NiezingEsti Tichelaar
City :Assen Assen
Country :The Netherlands The Netherlands
Age :1989-05-08 1988-12-22
Occupation :Student Student
Hobbies :Dansen, muziek Dansen, muziek
Favourite dance :Slowfoxtrot Engelse wals
Modify couple information :: Compare results


Representing country :The Netherlands
Best result :0 at Holland Masters 2004 (all results)
Anything of public interest :..
Main trainers :Not available
Contact couple :Send email

Competition age :C Klasse Std
Competition(s) recorded :39
Current dance status :Dancing
Begin partnership :0000-00-00
End partnership :0000-00-00

First competition recorded
2001-12-16 :: NADB :: Christmas Challenge Trophy - Debutanten 4 Junioren - The Netherlands (place 6)
Last competition recorded
2007-04-29 :: NADB :: The Woodenshoe 2007 - C Klasse Std - Netherlands (place 2)

All recorded competitions
2007-04-29NADB - The Woodenshoe 2007
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 2)
2007-04-09NADB - Holland Dans Spektakel 2007
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 3)
2007-03-25NADB - Super Holland Cup 2007
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 1)
2007-01-14NADB - Nieuwjaars Cup 2007
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 3)
2006-12-17NADB - X-MAS Challenge Trophy 2006
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 4)
2006-12-03NADB - Dutch Challenge Trophy 2006
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 3)
2006-11-26NADB - De Grote Prijs van Mierlo 2006
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 1)
2006-11-11NADB - NADB -Dutch Open - Assen 2006
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 3)
2006-10-08NADB - BeNeLux Kampioenschappen 2006
Youth 16 - 18 Std
Netherlands(place 3)
2006-10-08NADB - BeNeLux Kampioenschappen 2006
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 4)
2006-04-23IDSF - IDSF Youth Open Standard
Youth Standard
Austria(place 47)
2006-04-22IDSF - IDSF World Youth Standard
Youth Standard
Austria(place 58)
2006-03-26NADB - De Danser Editie 44 2006
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 2)
2006-03-12NADB - Super Holland Cup 2006
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 6)
2006-01-15NADB - Nieuwjaars Cup 2006
C Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 6)
2006-01-07NADB - Dutch Juv/Jun/Youth Championships 20
Youth 16 - 18 Std
Netherlands(place 2)
2005-12-11NADB - The Christmas Challenge Trophy 2005
D Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 2)
2005-11-27NADB - 23e Gooiland Trophy 2005
Youth 16 - 18 Std
Netherlands(place 2)
2005-11-20NADB - Dutch Open Challenge Trophy 2005
D Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 1)
2005-11-12NADB - Dans 2005 - Assen
D Klasse Std
Netherlands(place 4)
2005-10-16NADB - Holland Masters 2005
D Klasse Std
The Netherlands(place 1)
2005-10-02NADB - Miss Ballroom Festival 2005
Youth 16 - 18 Std
The Netherlands(place 4)
2005-09-18NADB - De Grote Prijs van Twente 2005
Youth 16 - 18 Std
Netherlands(place 1)
2005-04-03NADB - NK Latin 2005 Debutanten Juv/Jun/You
Youth Std
Netherlands(place 5)
2005-01-09NADB - Nieuwjaars Cup 2005
D Klasse
Netherlands(place 4)
2004-11-13NADB - NADB Competitions Assen 2004
Netherlands(place 1)
2004-10-17NADB - Holland Masters 2004 (all results)
Netherlands(On the dancefloor)
2004-10-03NADB - Miss Ballroomfestival 2004
Netherlands(place 5)
2004-09-19NADB - Grote Prijs van Twente 2004
Netherlands(place 5)
2004-03-14NADB - Super Holland Cup 2004
Netherlands(place 4)
2003-01-12NADB - Nieuwjaars Cup Jan2003
Latin Debutanten 3
Netherlands(place 5)
2003-01-12NADB - Nieuwjaars Cup Jan2003
Debutanten 3 Junioren
Netherlands(place 4)
2003-01-12NADB - Nieuwjaars Cup
Latin Debutanten 3
The Netherlands(place 5)
2003-01-12NADB - Nieuwjaars Cup
Debutanten 3 Junioren
The Netherlands(place 4)
2002-11-25NADB - Dutch Open Challenge TrophyNov2002
Latin Debutanten 4
Netherlands(place 6)
2002-11-24NADB - Dutch Open Challenge Trophy
Latin Debutanten 4
The Netherlands(place 6)
2002-03-24NADB - Super Holland Cup
Latin Debutanten 4
The Netherlands(place 5)
2002-03-24NADB - Super Holland Cup
Debutanten 4 Junioren
The Netherlands(place 3)
2001-12-16NADB - Christmas Challenge Trophy
Debutanten 4 Junioren
The Netherlands(place 6)

How to use the Correction tool:
1. Go to the couple information page on were your name is correctly written.
2. Activate the checkbox(es) in front of the names you want to correct into your own.
3. Click on the correct button.
4. Your correct request is sent to the webmaster for approval.
  Male Name   Female Name
Bas Niezing   Aletta Oosterveld

When to use correct names feature:
1. If on your couple information page the names are incorrectly spelled.
2. Fill in the form and sent it to the webmaster.
First name male
Family name male
First name female
Family name female