To upload your movie please select a movie from your pc using the browse button. Fill in a title, group and subgroep and click upload to upload your movie. Keep in mind that the upload proces can take some time.
08-02-2008 (W) Engligh Waltz - Bulgarian dance sport championship
| 08-02-2008 (W) Tango - Bulgarian dance sport championship 2008
| 08-02-2008 (W) Foxtrot - Bulgarian dance sport championship 2008
| 08-02-2008 (W) Vienese Waltz - Bulgarian dance sport championship
| 08-02-2008 (W) Rhumba - Bulgarian dance sport championship 2008
| 08-02-2008 (W) Samba - Bulgarian dance sport championship 2008
08-02-2008 (W) Cha Cha - Bulgarian dance sport championship 2008